Monday 09.24
In class, Mr. Pirtle randomly called on people to answer questions we discussed in previous class. We discussed specific aspects of an answer and how we can improve them.
We also practiced networking with each other. As an ISM II student, I listened in on various conversations and provided feedback on my classmate's body language and responses.
Tuesday 09.25
Emailed and followed up some people from last week, but did not have any luck reaching out to them.
One of the professionals I scheduled an interview with said she had something that came up on our scheduled date, therefore, I contacted her and figured out a new date to meet.
Wednesday 09.26
I worked on my resume, correcting all the feedback I received from my classmates.
In class, we continued practicing networking and discussed any questions students had regarding the Business Symposium and what to expect.
Thursday 09.27
Read and annotated an article to complete my research assessment over. This article focused on the relationship between finance and consulting. This helped me better understand what I can ask professionals in this field.
Friday 09.21
In class, we practiced interviews for the Business Symposium. As an ISM II student, I was the interviewer the entire time. I reflected back on questions I was asked from last year and asked those to the ISM I students I was interviewing. They did a really amazing job and I was really impressed! While asking them, I also reviewed questions that I should be prepared to answer.
Completed a team bonding activity that helped us enhance the skills of listening and understanding various solutions to problems.
This week was all dedicated to Business Symposium preparation. It was a great time to review the things I need to prepare in order to be ready. I tried to follow up professionals I called last week but did not have a lot of success doing so. This might have been due to the time I called. I had to stay late many days this week. To fix this, I might try calling during advisories next week and email as many people as I can. I hope to also find many professionals at the Business Symposium who I possibly can ask for an interview.
Schedule 2 more interviews
Gather more contacts that are closer to Frisco
Look into the consulting confidentiality issue
Send Thank You card to professional