Monday 09.17
Today was a little busy so I did not get very much time to work with ISM; however, I did practice my phone script and voicemails.
I tweaked my resume to make sure it is ready for peer review on Thursday.
Tuesday 09.18
In class, we reviewed the procedures for phone calls and the expectations for it. We practiced firm handshakes as a preparation for interviews and Business Symposium. Furthermore, we spoke about what networking would look likes and what are appropriate behaviors during this time.
Wednesday 09.19
I took the opportunity to use my early release to call professionals. I called about 10 professionals including many in the top firms such as Deloitte, KPMG, and EY. Many of the companies I called said they were not interested. However, I was able to secure an interview with a consulting company in Frisco this Friday. I also left voicemails for many companies and am waiting for a response. If I do not get a response by the middle of next week I plan to call back to see if the professional is available.
Thursday 09.20
I had my resume reviewed by two other ISM II students who both gave me good advice on things I could change. I also helped out many ISM I students on their resumes by giving tips about things I know I made mistakes on last year.
Called 10 more professionals and scheduled an interview with a professional in the Finance field at NBCF. I wanted to use my interview time to also interview some people that go close to the consulting field.
Friday 09.21
I met with a Consultant at SMD Consulting and Accounting and had the opportunity to learn numerous new things. I asked him various questions to understand whether what I have researched about consulting is accurate or not. He went through what his day-to-day process entailed and gave me some advice on what I should do to build the essential qualities I needed. He also told me something that has required to think whether this topic is for me. The professional noted that consultants are bound with numerous confidential documents, in other words, they are not allowed to share information about clients with other people. This might restrict the experience part of my mentorship. However, I will continue looking into this.
There are less than two weeks left until the Business Symposium and there is still a lot of work I have to do! I also started my interviews this week which is super exciting. However, I do have some things to think about my topic. I am going to speak with other professionals and see what their take is on the matter. I have also decided to take my interview opportunity to interview some people in the Finance field because I am interested in Financial Consulting. I still need to secure more interviews, therefore, I will be finding more contacts over the weekend so I can call next week. Overall, everything is happening so fast and I need to make sure to keep up with it.
Schedule 2 interviews
Gather more contacts that are closer to Frisco
Look into the consulting confidentiality issue