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Weekly Report 10.22 - 10.26

Monday 10.22

  • I finished my thank you card for one of the interviews I conducted a few weeks back

  • In class, we watched videos over proper and improper ways to communicate and present. We discussed how small details can change up your tone and your impression on the audience.

Tuesday 10.23

  • I have college applications due next week, therefore, I spent time working on them

Wednesday 10.24

  • We had a free day in class today, so I worked on finding the article for my research assessment and beginning it.

Thursday 10.25

  • I spoke with Mr. Pirtle about my outlook on a mentorship I believe will be beneficial. Because I decided I want to do Finance and Accounting, I felt shadowing at a location where I am trusted and have displayed my work ethic would allow me to experience things more deeper, especially because my topic deals with money.

  • I worked on my research assessment over finance in a nonprofit organization

  • I worked on my interview assessment over a professional I met at NBCF

Friday 10.26

  • I have college applications due next week, therefore, I spent time working on them


  • These past few weeks have been very stressful and packed with test and projects and also because of college applications that are due very soon. I still try to not divert my attention from ISM. The biggest thing I did this week was speak with Mr. Pirtle about my mentorship choice and with him being so supportive I am excited to hopefully be able to start early this year. I have also started considering specific things I learn from interviews to complete my research assessments. I feel like I am learning a lot more that way.


  • Contact professional for second interview

  • Get Research or Interview Assessment done early

  • Plan out some alternate assignments for interview assessments.


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