Monday 10.08
We were off from school today, therefore, I took some time to look into the consulting confidentiality issue. After researching, I thought over the various experiences I could participate in. I came to the conclusion that consulting is a big career that you can specialize in. I found that I was quite interested in Finance and therefore decided to focus my next interviews to understanding this field.
Tuesday 10.09
I spent some time speaking with relatives in the Finance field to see their views on this field and if there was anyone they knew I could contact. I also searched up some contacts online to call later on.
Wednesday 10.10
We had late arrival today from school, so I did not go to class and as college applications are due soon, I spent most of my day working on them.
Thursday 10.11
I had an interview with the Director of Finance and Accounting at the National Breast Cancer Foundation today. It was an incredible 30 minutes that I spoke with the professional. She had requested I send her a copy of the questions I was planning on asking a week before and when I came in, she had typed up detailed answers to all my questions. She explained to me what her job entails and even told me that she would allow me to do as many hands-on tasks as she could let me. The interview has left me super excited about this new topic and I think I am going to enjoy it.
I have a Research Assessment due tomorrow, so I worked on that at home. I chose to read an article that combined my topic from last year and finance.
Friday 10.12
In class, Mr. Pirtle was introducing a new task to the ISM I students, therefore, I went into the library and worked on my topic proposal. I decided to do my proposal over my Fiance and then would speak about it during my Research Presentation later on.
The major thing that happened this week was proposing a new topic from consulting. I still need to speak with Mr. Pirtle regarding this, but I feel really good about it. Especially with my interview at NBCF - where my mentorship last year took place - I felt very comfortable in that setting. I feel if I secure a mentorship here, I have enough credibility to be trusted in the Finance department. After all, they deal with one of the most essential parts of a business: money. I still need to schedule more interviews which I think I have slacked off on lately. However, starting next week I need to get back into it and speak with professionals.
Schedule 2 interviews
Prepare for quick trip presentation
Send thank you cards to professionals I interviewed with